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Socialism and the National question in Fiume, 1901-1921 - research seminar

csütörtök, 22. január 2015, 15:00 - 17:00
Találatok : 4107

The Institute of Political History

kindly invites you

for the research seminar

Socialism and the National Question in Fiume, 1901–1921

held by Ivan Jeličić

University of Triest,

Visting Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Political History.

Time and location:

3 pm, Thursday, January 22

Institute of Political History

1054 Alkotmány str. 2.

Socialism and the National question in Fiume, 1901-1921

During the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy the city of Fiume enjoyed, as a corpus separatum, a period of economic development and consequently of population growth, being the only Hungarian port. In this limited territory (19.57 km²) the linguistic majority was hold by the Italians, however the Croatian speaking population was also very large and, at the turn of the century, even the number of those who spoke Hungarian increased. The extension of centralization and magyarization laws, perceived by the local elite as an act of hostility towards the linguistic and administrative specificity of the city, lead to the creation of the autonomist movement (1896). The Autonomist association, the leading force in the local public life, raised the political consciousness and shaped the identity of the local Italian speaking population into a specific fiuman one. Therefore the autonomist option, even in a strongly changed international context, remained a strong choice during the events of 1918-1924.

In such context the local socialist movement, which arose in 1901, represents an interesting study case since it had to face social issues in a multinational society with a strong local identity. The linguistic and geographical distance from the Hungarian Social Democratic Party ensured that the local section functioned as a sort of independent one. In fact at the end of the Great War the socialists, due to the newly created environment of diplomatic uncertainty and to the political experience of the corups separatum, stood for Fiume as an independent socialist republic and continued to pursue it as a separated Communist Party until 1924.

The aim of my research, through the available documentation, is to reconstruct the socialist movement in Fiume, the main figures involved in it and their relationship with the national question.
